Fine Art: drawing, painting and etching

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"It will grow back"

This drawing is about growing pains and all the symbolics involved about cutting off a girls' long hair. Most of times the cutting of hair is combined with assumptions about getting older and getting rid of childish things as long hair, braids or ponytails and parents talking about the regrowth and how much mature the girl is looking. And ofcourse there is symbolic intwined with the historical context about cutting off of hair: Jeanne d'Arc is the heroic example while the shaving of heads in World War II had a sinister, humiliating function.

The drawing is made on multiplex, with acrylics and HB, H and B2 pencils. Size: 1,40x 79

My photo
Bachelor Fine Art, educated at Willem de Kooning Art Academy Rotterdam. Exhibited at Walls Amsterdam, Blaak10Gallery Rotterdam, Witte de With Festival, Le Fabrique, Utrecht, KunstpodiumT (Tilburg), De Kunstsuper, Podium O950 (twice), and Las Palmas II in Rotterdam. "Hare Majesty"(etch 2010) got awarded third place in the annual Allianz Grafiekprijs(2010-2011). Currently I work and live at The Hague.